OMP Events
challenges and
threats for
offices of
foreign companies
Advice from optimistic lawyers
Ladies and Gentlemen!
We invite you to take part in a webinar from OMP experts in cooperation with the Academy Liga: Zakon, which will take place on October 27, 2020.
New challenges and threats for representative offices of foreign companies
Discounts for participants:
• from 10% to “LIGA: ZAKON” subscribers
• 5% for 2 or more participants
Recent changes in tax legislation - the threat of recognition by permanent representative offices::
Ukrainian companies that work exclusively with "their" foreign companies are at gunpoint;
sectors under attack - IT, grain traders, service departments of transnationals, property management companies;
new rules for agents with independent status;
risk of permanent representative offices for CICs;
Strategies for the protection of non-resident representative offices in Ukraine
which representative offices need changes - analysis of traditional risks of recognition by permanent representative offices and innovations;
what to do with the representative offices in the "red zone" (change of work model, transition to paying taxes, merging with other colleagues in the shop, removing foreign companies from the risk of management in Ukraine);
author's method of risk analysis of permanent representative offices (10 steps of verification based on the experience of tax audits of non-resident representative offices for the last 15 years).
Changes in the taxation of permanent representative offices
abolition of the "single tax" on permanent representative offices: what to prepare for;
transfer pricing and permanent representative offices - for whom it is relevant and how scary it is;
the main "risk areas" in the taxation of permanent representative offices - income tax and VAT.
Preparing for the tax audit
when to start preparing;
step-by-step plan of the audit of the representative office - what we pay attention to and how to correct mistakes;common mistakes / bottlenecks of non-residents' representative offices;
what and how to fix;
strategies for working with tax officials during the audit (or how to build the work to get the desired result);
strategies for appealing the results of the audit (where and when to connect the Office of the Business Ombudsman);
assessment of the results of the inspection and the chances of their successful appeal;
the cost of preparing for the tax audit and appealing its results.
Closing the offices of non-residents
how to understand that the model of representative office has exhausted itself - an assessment of the pros and cons of alternative options for representing the interests of non-residents in Ukraine;
strategies for closing a representative office with minimal tax risks (who and when needs a freezing period before closing a representative office);
realistic deadlines for closing the liquidation of the representative office and related costs, the main stages of the process and pitfalls.